Feeling Blessed

Bloodroot in Bloom, May 2014-KPIt was my birthday yesterday….and while I spent the day working around my house, I found myself feeling blessed.

The last few years have been difficult. They have been years of loss and loneliness, disappointments and regrets, grief and sadness.  But the dark days are coming to an end.

Over the last months, there has been an internal shift.  I found myself enjoying the empty nest I was dreading.  I discovered that I am no longer tied to the schedules of schools, soccer games and after-school  jobs.  I am no longer obliged to cook and clean for others.  My taxi driving days are behind me.  I can come and go as I please; eat when I am hungry; work when I am in the mood; and zone out when I am tired.  I found freedom where I expected to find loneliness.

I have reclaimed old pleasures; yoga classes, meditation and bird-watching.  I have found myself getting excited about little projects; taking photos of the wild life; tackling weedy sections in my garden; and finding ways to attract birds to our back yard.

Bloodroot beyond Bloom, May 2014-KPI have been seeing my life through new eyes; feeling blessed to have three healthy children who have grown into young adults whose company I enjoy; feeling lucky to have a partner with whom I have so many shared memories; feeling fortunate to do work that I truly enjoy.

For the first time, I am looking forward to the next stage in my life; to become the Crone; the woman who has moved beyond her child-rearing years.  I have survived the transition; moved through the grief; let go of my role as Mother.  Today, I feel full of joy; happy to be alive; and excited about the future.  Today I feel blessed.

About kp

I am a woman and a mother, a sister and a wife. I have called myself a socialist and a feminist, an environmentalist and an activist, a pagan and an atheist. But, at this stage in my life, none of these labels feel right. I am searching; trying to find an inner calm; trying to make peace with life's disappointments; trying to answer the big questions in my own small life.
This entry was posted in Empty Nest, Healing & Compassion, Inspiration, Life, Personal Growth, Simple Pleasures, Stages of Life, Writing and tagged , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink.

7 Responses to Feeling Blessed

  1. I loved this posting. TO become the Crone in our lives is such an honor. It is not the stage of loss that so many tend to associate with it. It is yet another stage of becoming our Power.

    • kp says:

      I have always thought that but have been having a hard time feeling it….I think that I needed to grieve the passing of the last stage first. But I am feeling ready for it now. Be well. Kim

  2. Happy belated birthday Kim!!! All these transitions are exciting and scary at the same time. And both are OK!

    • kp says:

      Hi Marisa…Life is a roller coaster ride; we feeling lonely one day and blessed the next…but it all feels just fine. Take care. Kim

  3. This makes me smile! Many happy returns to you for yesterday, and the year ahead! xo

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