Receiving Spiritual Guidance from a TV Comedy

I believe that “the Universe” can speak to us if we are open to receiving messages in unexpected ways.  I had a rough winter.  I have been looking for work, feeling scared that I am never going to get a good job again, and feeling like a failure.  I’ve been having deep regrets about some of the choices I made in my life; choices that feel like mistakes. 

Then, when those feelings were reaching their peak, I came across two seasons of the show, Being Erica, on our video shelf.   It is a Canadian show that was made in Toronto.   It was on TV for four years starting around 2009.  I have not watched it in years and I had never actually seen the final season.

The series begins when Erica, who has a master’s degree in english literature, gets fired from her latest job at a call centre.  Her firing precipitates a crisis.  At 32, Erica feels like a failure; like she has somehow squandered her potential; ruined her life by making a series of bad decisions.  This is when she meets Dr. Tom, a therapist with the power to manipulate time.

Dr. Tom asks Erica to write down each of her regrets, and with each session, he allows her to go back in time to revisit one decision she regrets.  With each of her sessions, Erica learns a valuable life lesson.  She learns to trust her own judgement; to worry less about what others think; to be true to herself.  She learns how to hold her boundaries with friends; how to communicate with her family; and how to take a leap of faith for the job that she dreams of doing.

I obsessively watched all four seasons over the last two weeks and saw each of my regrets played out in one episode after another.  I found myself looking at my choices differently. I remembered why I left the secure job in Toronto; why we moved out of out of the City; why I let some friendships drift.

I thought about how much we enjoyed spending time in nature when the kids were growing up.  I thought about how much I have learned from the different jobs I have done since leaving the job in Toronto.   I remembered how drained I felt after visiting with some friends.  I found the show therapeutic; I found it transformative.

I woke up this morning thinking, “Yes, I am 57 and I have no pension, no benefits and no job security.  BUT I have done projects that no one else would have done; useful projects that moved the peanut forward on issues I care about.  I have done work that was interesting and challenging.  I have done work with little supervision and no bureaucracy. I have done scientific work and creative work.  And I have enjoyed almost every day that I have worked.  And I know that is rare.”

Thanks Erica!!  Message received!!

About kp

I am a woman and a mother, a sister and a wife. I have called myself a socialist and a feminist, an environmentalist and an activist, a pagan and an atheist. But, at this stage in my life, none of these labels feel right. I am searching; trying to find an inner calm; trying to make peace with life's disappointments; trying to answer the big questions in my own small life.
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11 Responses to Receiving Spiritual Guidance from a TV Comedy

  1. Sally says:

    What a difference to step into a fresh perspective! You have made a difference and you’ve worked on projects you care about and on your own terms. Somebody out there is looking for somebody with exactly your skill set, your passions and your approach.

    • kp says:

      Awww….tthanks Sally….I will hold on to that in the dark hours. The show really did help me to see my life differently. It is funny how we lose perspective when we are scared. Kim

  2. Wow! A powerful post. Thank you for sharing and reminding us that indeed, there are no mistakes, there are no regrets; Only lessons learned and insights gained.

    Blessed be. <3 <3 <3 NadineMarie

    PS. Now, I'm so curious about this TV series and wondering how I can have access to it….

  3. I really liked this!! I agree- the Universe speaks to us in whatever way is available! I really like the message you received.

  4. Kim – I am in the process of “starting over” and it has been a painful and exhausting process. Lots of fear, uncertainty and those awful negative tapes playing in my head. I saw your post and felt a little glimmer of light through these dark clouds of doubt surrounding me. Thank you very much! Marsia

    • kp says:

      Oh Marsia…I hear you!! It is scarey how quickly our confidence in our abilities and our faith in the universe disappear when we are unemployed or going through a big transition. I am glad the blog helped. The show is also really funny but i really did feel there was a lot of wisdom in it. good luck…Kim

  5. Hey there Kim, sounds like the perfect inspiration for where you are at right now (and also seems I’m not the only one going through what appears to be a painful “starting over”). It has certainly taken me down some dark roads this last couple of months (and why I haven’t been able to blog). But one thing I have been reminded of in this process – life experience COUNTS. Whenever you have one of those days down the rabbit hole, remember that. And may the right thing find you pleasantly surprised… xoxo

    • kp says:

      Hi Alarna…..For some reason, I could not see your comment until today. I am sorry to hear that you are going through a similarly difficult process these days. But I agree that this review of one’s life is a necessary step that precedes renewal. I hope that you find inspiration for the next stage in your life as well!! Hugs from Kim

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