The Return of Spring

TBeaver, Spencer Creek, April 2015 - KPhree weeks ago, our favourite trail was frozen, bitterly cold and quiet. The path was laden with crusty snow, the creek was completely frozen over, and there was little wild life to be seen. But the long dark nights and biting cold days are finally giving way.

The ice has melted from the creek and its water runs fast with muddy brown water. The trees are still bare, the grass is still yellow-brown, but there are signs of life everywhere.

Great Blue Heron, Spencer Creek, April 2015 - KPThe Beaver has emerged from its den to gnaw on sticks along the creek’s banks. The Great Blue Heron, that has just returned from the south, wades into the fast-moving water on long pink legs. The Belted Kingfisher, with its steel-blue wings, flies along the length of the creek with its undulating flight in search of fish.

The trees are full of Rusty Black-birds chattering with their high pitched squeals. Red-Winged Blackbirds call out persistently from pale gold stalks in the marshlands.  A Red-Tailed Hawk circles overhead and perches on a nearby tree.

Pair of Cardinals - Dundas, Ontario - Spring - KP

There is movement in the low lying bushes as Song Sparrows and Juncos jockey for position.  Robins, that were gone all winter, hop along the path and stir up dead leaves in search of food.  Bold red Cardinals, that stayed over the winter, sing insistently from high perches in trees.  Large black  Turkey Vultures soar effortlessly overhead, titling with the wind.

White-Tailed Deer, Spencer Creek, April 2015 - KPThe Deer are grazing by the creek, their fur dark brown from a winter diet of twigs and bark.  A small dark-brown muskrat roots around among the grasses in the marshland. Grey and black squirrels scramble among trees branches, leaping from tree to tree.

It is a feast for the senses.  It is a balm for the soul.

About kp

I am a woman and a mother, a sister and a wife. I have called myself a socialist and a feminist, an environmentalist and an activist, a pagan and an atheist. But, at this stage in my life, none of these labels feel right. I am searching; trying to find an inner calm; trying to make peace with life's disappointments; trying to answer the big questions in my own small life.
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14 Responses to The Return of Spring

  1. Trini Lind says:

    I love the deer :-) Here we have foxes and frogs and owls and dragonflies, oh and a couple of snakes too. But there is no snow where I live in India so they are here year around :-)

    • kp says:

      No snow sounds awfully nice after the bitterly cold winter we have experienced here in Canada. We do really appreciate the flowers, leaves and animals when they return in the Spring. I wonder do you take it for granted if they are there year round?? Kim

      • Trini Lind says:

        Well, here in India we have dry season which means that most of the green will die due too drought, so we do learn to appreciate the rain, that is for sure! :-) But I do miss the seasons of Norway. It is something very special about spring after a long cold winter :-)

  2. Great photos of spring time in the north with the birds and deer

  3. What a wealth of wild life you can witness near you Kim.. Love that you spotted a Beaver.. I am so pleased Spring is at last arriving as the snow melts back.. x
    Wishing you a lovely week. Hugs Sue x

  4. Eliza Waters says:

    Renewal of the earth is a splendid thing, how it gladdens the heart!

  5. Hariod Brawn says:

    You are blessed indeed to live amidst such abundant nature Kim. I have just spent two weeks staying in a large town and although enjoying the company of friends and family there, it was wonderful to return here to the Somerset Levels in England where wildlife is so great a part of each day. There are no Turkey Vultures here on the Levels of course, though some recent migrants include a few Bustards which have come in from Russia, and we have Red Kites and plenty of Buzzards, Herons and Kingfishers on these vast, flat and watery lands.

    All best wishes,


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