My Fascination with Flowers

Columbines, May 2014-KPAs long as I can remember, I have been fascinated by flowers.  I remember examining a bush of Bleeding Hearts when I was a very small girl.  I was mesmerized by the puffy, heart-shaped blossoms of pink and white that dangled from the leafy branches.


My pSolomon's Seal-May 2014-KParents were not gardeners but my Italian grandparents were.  My grandfather grew vegetables and would take me around his garden to show me the tomatoes and green peppers sprouting from each plant. He took pleasure in watching them grow from one day to the next.

My grandmother hSiberian Irises, May 2014-KPad two beds of flowers; one was full of red Silvia with tubes of nectar that we plucked and sucked for their sweet taste; the other was full of Snapdragons with their puffy petals bursting in bright yellows, deep reds, and regal purples.  These flowers were magical; we could open the jaws of the dragon by squeezing the flower.   

When I was in my late twenties, I began gardening myself and filled my plots with sturdy plants; Lilies, in orange, yellow and pink; Columbines with their crown-shaped flowers in shades of pinks, purples, and yellow; Irises in all shapes and colours; and Solomon’s Seal with its dangling bells of white.

I have tended these flowers with care.  I have watched them bloom year after year with eagerness.  Fascinated by their intricate shapes and designs, I have examined them, taken pictures of them, and painted them in several different media.  They fill me with wonder and awe.  They stand in my garden as little sentinels reminding me of the incredible beauty in nature; of the wondrous beauty of our little blue planet.

About kp

I am a woman and a mother, a sister and a wife. I have called myself a socialist and a feminist, an environmentalist and an activist, a pagan and an atheist. But, at this stage in my life, none of these labels feel right. I am searching; trying to find an inner calm; trying to make peace with life's disappointments; trying to answer the big questions in my own small life.
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6 Responses to My Fascination with Flowers

  1. Your garden flowers are indeed beautiful. I think we all remember with fondness how our grandparents taught us various skills. Gardening is among my favourites.
    Nature rewards our tender loving care with such beauty. Its good to hear Kim how much you have nurtured and cared for your plants. And I thank you for sharing them here.

    Love and Blessings. Sue xxx

    • kp says:

      Thanks Sue…I know that you are a serious gardener who understands the work that goes into, and the rewards that come out of a garden. It is such as wonderful time of year; fleeting but full of magic. Enjoy!! Kim

  2. I feel exactly the same way about them! Beautiful photos, Kim!! :-)

  3. Oriah says:

    Lovely on so many levels. I discovered years ago that I loved the IDEA of gardening but not the actual doing (just felt like more housework but outside instead of inside.) But I do appreciate others’ gardening efforts and love to sit in their gardens reading a book or having a great conversation :-)

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